Session abstracts > Session 1

Session 1 - Climate-controlled sedimentary systems and processes - how unique is the Quaternary?

Mathieu Schuster1, Matthias Hinderer2 and Laura Stutenbecker2

Joint French-German organisation


This session aims to promote interactions between Quaternary geology and deep-time geology. Medium- and short-term climate fluctuations were much pronounced in the Quaternary affecting strongly the exogenic cycle of weathering, erosion, sediment transport and sediment deposition. In Earth history similar icehouse situations happened, but also the other extreme of warm and even hot house conditions. We want to bridge the time scale of two often separately operating communities, and draw their attention to common climate-driven sedimentary processes.

We here encourage the following, non-exhaustive, topics:

- studies of long archives, which intercept the Pliocene-Quaternary transition and discuss the geological specificity of Quaternary times,

- studies using examples from the Quaternary as analogues for deep times strata, in order to understand palaeo-environments and palaeo-landscapes or to quantify processes,

- studies considering geological inheritances and their impact on Quaternary processes and deposits, especially in sedimentary basins,

- studies dealing with sediment fill of the Upper Rhine Graben, from the Eocene to the Quaternary, and tectonic and climatic implications,

- simulation- and experiment-based studies of sedimentary processes or long-term sedimentary systems evolution,

- transfer and adaptation of analytical methods usually used by one community to address questions from the other community,

- ...


1 - CNRS, Institut Terre et Environnement de Strasbourg

2 - TU Darmstadt

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