Session abstracts > Session 11

Session 11 - Human-nature interactions deduced from river mouth, coastal, and marine records: Trends and short-term changes in a long-term perspective

Ferréol Salomon1, Pierre Stephan2 and Maria-Fernanda Sanchez-Goñi3


Sedimentary records in river mouth, coastal, and marine areas result from different processes and sedimentation-erosion cycles. Intensity and rhythms of changes vary depending on the environment considered. The variety of these stratigraphic sequences offers the opportunity to address a wide array of environmental questions with the aim to provide a complete picture of past ecosystem, landscape and/or climate evolution. However, combining palaeoenvironmental data from different depositional contexts is still a challenging task. This session invites submissions focusing on syntheses or case studies at different spatial and time scales using approaches linking sedimentary records from different depositional contexts, including locations affected by strong human impacts.

In addition to this methodological issue, contributions on human-nature interactions at different temporal scales would be highly appreciated. In particular, research dealing with the synchronisation of palaeoenvironmental, archaeological and historical data (e.g. palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic changes versus human and cultural changes), the identification in sedimentary archives of indirect anthropic signatures (e.g. sedimentation rate change, palaeo-pollutants, human driven vegetation), or the observation of changes directly related to landscape modifications (e.g. impacts of canals, harbours, quays, dykes, breakwaters) will be welcome.


1 - CNRS UMR 7362 LIVE, University of Strasbourg

2 - LETG, CNRS, Institut Européen de la Mer, Plouzané

3 - EPOC, EPHE PSL, Université de Bordeaux

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